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Apple has launched a series of more than 100 new and updated emojis. Its replaced the gun with a water pistol and put out new designs it hopes will be more inclusive.近日,苹果公布了100多个新的表情,并改版了之前的一些表情。其中,苹果用一个玩具水枪替代了手枪,并公布了一些它期望变得多样性的新设计。
The company says it wants to ensure that popular emoji characters reflect the diversity of people everywhere.苹果公司回应,他们期望能保证颇受欢迎的emoji表情能体现出有人们种族的多样性。The new green and orange pistol emoji looks more like a toy and will replace the black and silver revolver.新的公布的绿色和桔色水枪替代了之前的黑色和银色手枪,使这个表情看上去更加看起来玩具。Emoji on Apple products are designed by the Unicode consortium. It all comes after a series of high-profile shootings in America. However, many people on Twitter have joked that switching a gun for a toy isnt going to solve anything.苹果产品的emoji表情都是由Unicode联盟设计的。
It may have been ridiculed on social media by some but anti-gun campaigners were delighted to see the change.尽管苹果公司的这一决策可能会在社交媒体上遭取笑,但不少赞成枪支的运动者还是很乐意看到这一转变的。Apple say the changes are an exciting update and brings more gender options to existing characters. These include new female athletes and professionals, beautiful redesigns of popular emoji, a new rainbow flag and more family options.苹果公司回应:“这些变化是一次令人兴奋的改版,不会给人们带给更好的性别自由选择。
本次追加了女性运动员与女性专业人士的表情,并对热门的一些表情展开了更为时尚化的外观改建,此外追加了一个彩虹旗以及更好的家庭表情自由选择。”This isnt the first time that Apple has diversified its collection of approved emojis. Last year it released a range of skin tones for popular faces but received criticism that it used a very yellow colour for the Asian skin.这早已不是苹果第一次对已公布的表情包在展开多样化设计了。去年苹果就曾公布了一系列肤色表情图标,不过却因为给亚洲人设计出有很朱的皮肤而倍受争议。
本文关键词:AG 尊龙凯时,AG 尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!
本文来源:AG 尊龙凯时-www.13girl.com